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Utilities for CFX

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By: mookster1 337 clicks
This is the Casio graphics calculator version of Conway's Game Of Life, which was very popular in the early 70's. This is a concept and the CFX's are not very fast at all so I would advise against doing patterns of over 10 pixels. It takes up around 25000 bytes on the calculator so it would be best to use one of the FX9750GII's or similar to run this as they are a lot faster than the CFX's. Still, while it may be slow it is a lot of fun.

Uploaded by mookster1[Write a comment][Rate this file]2011-11-14 (02:04 CET)
By: mookster1 2605 clicks
This is a program that lets you view the Periodic Table, in graphical format, on your calculator! It was originally written on the fx9750G Plus and takes up (very nearly) all of its memory, even with all the optimisations I can think of. When you "click" on each element (with the EXE key) it brings up a page with basic element data and ionic data (eg CO3²-). For best results, use on a fx9750GII or equivalent series calculator as the drawing speed is tedious on the fx9750G PLUS (and you can fit other stuff on the calculator as well as the Periodic Table). If you have downloaded version 3.0 PR1 of the Periodic Table, I have included a bug fix in this version that lets you view the element xenon.
Uploaded by mookster12 commentsRating: 4/102011-02-12 (01:37 CET)
By: ing jonathan fernandez 296 clicks
tablas termodinamicas esta version beta incluye las tablas para h2o si no encuentra el valor en la tabla el valor es interpolado automaticamente

thermodynamic tables This beta version includes tables for h2o if the program do not find the value in the table the progran interpolated automatically
Uploaded by jfrheavy2 commentsRating: 9.5/102010-09-24 (18:18 CEST)
By: ZweiLynx 147 clicks
GENRAND - Generate a random variable

Field: Statistics, Simulation.

Further vX.## updates only available for the fx-9860g series.


CRITICAL FIX. In v1.00, option [7] does not generate a LogNormal distributed variable. The procedure is incorrect. This version generates a LogNormal variable correctly.


This program generates random numbers that follow a distribution with the specified parameters. The options are Continuous Uniform, Discrete Uniform, Triangular, Exponential, Bernoulli, Normal, and LogNormal. To generate a sequence keep pressing EXE.
Uploaded by zweilynx[Write a comment][Rate this file]2008-12-19 (15:44 CET)
By: ZweiLynx 92 clicks
TRANRAND - Transform a random variable U(0,1) to another distribution (inverse cumulative)

Field: Statistics, Simulation.

Further vX.## updates only available for the fx-9860g series.

This program transforms a continuous uniform (standard) distributed variable to another distribution, with the specified parameters. The random numbers U(0,1) MUST be stored in List 1 before running the program. The program asks for the required parameters, and stores the results in List 2. These results are the values for the inverse cumulative distribution, to the effects of inverse transform sampling.

The options to make the transformation are Continuous Uniform, Discrete Uniform, Triangular, Exponential, and Bernoulli.
Uploaded by zweilynx[Write a comment][Rate this file]2008-12-19 (15:30 CET)
By: R00KIE 174 clicks
Nyquist plot program.

Incomplete program that doesn't work when the stepping algorithm hits a pole of the function, you can use this program to understand the concept and make a better program.
Uploaded by R00KIE[Write a comment][Rate this file]2008-05-30 (22:11 CEST)
By: enproblemado 447 clicks
A new version of the fast 3d grapher, this new version rotate the graphic in real time with the replay keys, and is faster than the 1.0 version, because only scan the equation once and save the results in the matriz P, you can also configure the program to show the graphic in all the screen, or use only the necessary space in the screen to show a provided graphic (this option may show a confused graphic).

When viewing the graphic, you may use:
f1 -> Show the resulst (column 1: X, column 2: Y, column 3:Z)
f2 -> Reconfigure the graphic without scanning again the equaton f3 -> Pause (because the program use all the cpu when showing a graphic)

if is the first time that you use the program, select "Yes" to configure the default settings.
Uploaded by enproblemado[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-04-13 (03:57 CEST)
By: enproblemado 206 clicks
This is a fast 3d grapher, save the f(x,y) function to plot in f6, and a denomitantion in f5 (f5 may be 1), this for test if the denomination is zero, then ignore the current point.

Then run GRAPHI3D.

I've attached the new version 2.0, this new version rotate the graphic with the replay keys, and may be config to use all the screen space or only the needed space, so you can view graphics provided, also scan the equation once, for that the program is faster than the 1.0 version, when it make a rotation, but it use more space (Use two matrices and 4 lists).

When viewing graphic use:

f1 -> to show the graphed points f2 -> to change config (Like intervals, current rotation angle, and more...)
f3 -> to pause, because when vieweing the graphic, the program use all the cpu.

Here is one file awaiting for approval, if you are administrator please reject this file, because this is the new version that I've attached, and this have two bugs that I've fixed now...
Uploaded by enproblemado[Write a comment][Rate this file]2007-04-05 (15:56 CEST)
By: B. Rasmus Anthin 130 clicks
FX-GL and FX-GLUT Examples 1.1

The CFX backend implementation.
Required APIs: FX-GL (and for some programs FX-GLUT).
Total size: 4641 B.

This collection contains programs to demonstrate different ways to make use of FX-GL and FX-GLUT.

Not all functions/programs are necessary. Only transfer those that you think you'll need.
Uploaded by Scratty[Write a comment][Rate this file]2006-09-16 (17:02 CEST)
By: B. Rasmus Anthin 152 clicks
FX-GLUT 1.0.2

FX Graphics Library Utility Toolkit.
The CFX backend implementation.
Required API: FX-GL.
Total size: 4246 B.

FX Graphics Library Utility Toolkit is intended to be an API similar to GLUT.
It features routines for creating geometric primitives and other useful CG tools.

You will need FX-GL in order to make FX-GLUT work. FX-GLUT works as an extra API layer on top of FX-GL.

Not all functions/programs are necessary. Only transfer those that you think you'll need.

* Fix for GLTEAPOT. Roy F.A. Maclean has reported that the GLTEAPOT program won't transfer properly from the cat file. He's made a fix for this in the cat file. However, the txt version of this program does not require this fix to function. This is just a link-related issue.
* Replaced the & token with (10^) for the power-of-10 operator.
Uploaded by Scratty[Write a comment][Rate this file]2006-09-16 (16:53 CEST)
By: B. Rasmus Anthin 193 clicks
FX-GL 2.0.2

FX Graphics Library.
The CFX backend implementation.
Total size: 2640 B.

This is an attempt to make a user friendly API/library for programming graphics, 3D graphics in particular.
Emphasis has been on making the geometry stage and rendering stage as quick as possible.
The text file contains three examples to make you aquainted with this API.
With this API, making 3D games should be fairly simple (although they will inevitably be slow).

This software bundle also contains:

* Tutorial on making an FPS engine
* Tutorial that compares OpenGL drawing modes with the FX-GL counterpart for achiving the same thing.

Note that additional functionalities such as primitives and object manipulations etc are available in the separate API FX-GLUT. This API only offers the basic graphics functionalities.

Not all functions/programs are necessary. Only upload those that you think you'll need.

News: Fixed typos.
Uploaded by Scratty[Write a comment][Rate this file]2006-07-04 (20:06 CEST)
By: R00KIE 542 clicks
This is a truth table generator, you input the formula and the program gives the truth table.
This program is usefull for electronic engineering students.
Uploaded by R00KIE[Write a comment][Rate this file]2004-09-18 (23:04 CEST)
By: Sean Tan 747 clicks
Solves for every variable of a Venn diagram, using algebra and simple addition/subtraction. The diagram is clearly displayed on screen (INIT view window) and is easy to understand. This program is bug-free as I have tested several times and have used it in my exams.
Please read the readme file before using the program, as a few instructions must be read to be able to use the program effectively.

**Update: I have now included two versions of Venn1-4. The original is still available in the .rar file. However, I have included a version where the diagram is already saved as Picture 1. Use this version if you have enough bytes to store a picture (~5000 bytes).

Uploaded by casiokingdom[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102004-06-14 (15:11 CEST)
By: Genesis 789 clicks
Here is the very small collection of programs and 'utilities' on my website. I could put more but either it isn't original or there's a better version somewhere else.
Uploaded by genesis[Write a comment][Rate this file]2004-03-30 (11:02 CEST)
By: Sean Tan 980 clicks
All of casiokingdom's programs created in 2003, including Pcolours, Sphere, Colision...

Uploaded by casiokingdom[Write a comment]Rating: 10/102004-03-21 (09:38 CET)
By: R00KIE 666 clicks
With this program you can plot Bode graphs with your CFX in LOG SCALE :-)
Uploaded by R00KIE[Write a comment][Rate this file]2004-03-12 (11:23 CET)
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