International Casio link page2342 cliks Language: - - Calculator model: AFX
On this website you'll find essential resources to program in ASM, C and C++ on your AFX as well as:
- Games and utilities in basic language.
- Utilities for PC and AFX.
1809 cliks Language: - Calculator model: CFX / AFX / ClassPad
Largest German speaking Casio Forum supporting CFX, FX and Classpad Calculators.
Das Deutsche Casio Forum ist die Community für Eure Tipps und Fragen zu den Casio Grafiktaschenrechner der Serien CFX, FX und Classpad.
2593 cliks Language: - Calculator model: AFX
This French website is consecrated to the AFX, complete and updated the most often possible. You'll find flashes, basic programs, tricks, tutorials, softwares... in short everything to make your casio to shine right in the middle of TIs.
1767 cliks Language: - Calculator model: AFX
The Na-Prod's website where you can find Programs for Windows, Macintosh and also for the New Casio Algebra Fx2.
This website has the CDK package for starting to develop on this New Generation calculator.
1975 cliks Language: - Calculator model: AFX / CFX / ClassPad
A website devoted to TI, Casio and HP role playing games. Contains lot of RPGs and programming tools to make them.
1683 cliks Language: - Calculator model: AFX
This page deals with Casio Algebra FX graphical calculators. Here you find lots of info about how to program them, about tools and my own AFX projects (Add in games, libraries, AFX tools and AFX related PC tools).